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And at last you, Ereon. You will be the Keeper of their Knowledge. Science, research and magic shall provide a better future for the races. You shall take down all their knowledge and legislations in a book, so that I may learn the story of my creation when the end of time arrives.

Aonir assigning Ereon his task

Ereon, also known as Darius Servil, is a child of Aonir and one of the Guardians meant to watch over Eo.



Ereon stands for wisdom, education, medicine, research, neutrality and justice.


He is primarily known as "the Scribe". However, he also carries the following names: Master of the one Book, the Mediary, Keeper of the Arcane and the Just


His insignia are: a writer, a feather, the scale, the book and the sword, the raven, and a man donning grey robes.


He is primarily worshipped by all benevolent races, especially by scholars, mages and judges.


Arrival on Eo

Ereon, just like his brothers and sisters, first arrived on Eo following the call of their father, the God of Stars Aonir, to join him at his side and to watch over the world he had just created. Aonir had banished the Primal Elements and planted the Materia Prima, his Seed of Life on this world to allow life to flourish. However, because he had to return to their home beyond the sea of stars, he tasked his children with keeping watch, giving each a task they were to fulfil until he returned at the end of time.

Ereon's task was to be the keeper of knowledge. He was to note down everything that happened in this new world, beginning to end, in a book that Aonir would read to learn the story of his work, and so he did. As an observer, Ereon wrote down Eo's happenings, not meddling in its affairs, just how his father wished - though that would not remain for long.

Dryad of the Life Tree

When the world was still young, and the races began turning Eo into their home, Ereon ventured into Xu, one of the most beautiful gardens the world had to offer. There, he stumbled upon a Dryad and the two quickly fell in love. Though they enjoyed each other's company, their relationship wouldn't last, for it was forbidden for the Guardians to meddle with the creatures of Eo. Once Ereon's brothers and sisters discovered their romance, they became enraged, believing the Dryad had bewitched their brother. As punishment, they took away her power and banished her from her beautiful garden, and though her sisters tried to fight back in retaliation, they were no match for the Gods, thus leaving Xu, which would soon turn from the most beautiful garden Eo's to a barren wasteland.

The Shapers and Godhood

Though the Guardians were powerful, their true power came from the belief the people of Eo had in them. So it was that during the time of the first people, the Shapers and Dragons, that Nor descended onto Eo to tell its people of Aonir's great sacrifice. It isn't known to what extent these early races revered the Guardians, but they certainly knew of them, giving them names in their own native tongue. It is from there that Ereon became known as Darius - a moniker of the Shapers, and a pseudonym he would use millennia later to hide his true identity from the mortals of Eo.

Fight against Malacay

Many years later, during the time of the Hybernian Empire, Ereon, like his fellow Guardians, faced the defiance of Janus Malacay, an alchemist obsessed with the creation of life. The Guardians would eventually strike the madman down, though it was Ereon's intervention that made the guardian Hirin stay his hand from the flesh of Ur, a dragon whom Malacay had forced to his side. This act of mercy allowed Malacay to transfer his soul into Ur's blood, creating the bloodline of the Shaikan and unknowingly shaping that would occur centuries later.

Rohen's redemption

At the height of the Convocation, as the Primal Elements were set free, Ereon, much like the other Guardians, stood aside and watched it all unfold, for as powerful as they were, none of them, not even together, could stand up to the power their father had once banished. After the chaos had unfolded, Ereon saw that Eo was on the brink of death. Their father had once told them to not meddle in the affairs of mortals, but Ereon knew that should he stand by, Eo, together with all its creatures, would be doomed.

He took a book out of his vast library and descended, seeking out Rohen Tahir, the only mage of the Circle who survived the apocalypse. He gave him the Book the the Convocation, exposing it for what it truly was, a lie of the evil Renegades, and he taught him of ways to create portals so that Rohen may reconned the fractured world.

Upon discovering his secret plans, his brothers and sisters were not pleased with what he had done, as he broke one of the sacred rules their father had given to them. Though Ereon's intentions were pure, he was forced into hiding to evade his sibling's wrath, taking up the name Darius Servil, and disappearing to the small village of Liannon in Nortander where he became their local scribe.

Battle for Fiara

During the year 8 after the Convocation (A.C.), while Ereon was still assuming his secret identity as a modest scribe in Liannon, he was visited by the Phoenix Bearer on the search for Rohen. Though at first a bit cynical of the Rune Warrior, Ereon would eventually heed her warning and inform her of Rohen's whereabouts. He would also exchange words of wisdom with her, as well as fill her in on many important historical events that she was unaware of due to her slumber, such as the new order of the fractured world.

The Phoenix Bearer would revisit him in Liannon on small errands in the moons that followed, though their paths would not cross again until years later after the conflict had concluded.

Aryn Crysis

Through his actions during the Battle for Fiara, Ereon attracted the attention of his brother Hirin who had set out on a search to return Ereon to their realm, preventing him from interfering with the lives of mortals any further. Aware of his brother's immense skills as a rider and tracker, Ereon disappeared from Liannon and made his to the eternal ice of Tirganach, hoping that he could remain hidden among the ice elves who lived there.

His time would have been unremarkable for the most part, choosing to keep low and avoid attention, were it not for Flink McWinter who, in the search for the Treasure of Tiondria, stole one of Ereon's books detailing the way to the almost mythical place. Upon being caught, Ereon had Flink locked up for his crime, though the thief had managed to hide the book beforehand.

During this time, the Shadow Warrior arrived in Tirganach, together with a band of refugees from Mirraw Thur. As he didn't recognise Ereon, still going by Darius, he approached him, remarking that he hadn't seen him amongst the rest of the people who came with him. The Rune Warrior was also curious regarding Flink, as the two had spoken prior. On Flink's behalf, the Shadow Warrior begged Ereon to allow his release, to which the god obliged, but only under the circumstance that his book was returned to him. Once back in his possession, together with the three pages Flink had torn out, he allowed the thief to be released, once again merging with his surroundings as an unremarkable observer.

The Rune Wars

How Ereon spent the time following the Aryn Crysis is unknown, though it is likely he stayed in Tirganach until years after when, around the year 14 A.C., he had sensed that a grave evil was rising on the horizon - one he must act upon, for if he doesn't all of Eo would be lost forever.

He began noticing that the graves of the once-dead Circle Mages had been desecrated and their bodies stolen. Upon investigating further, he learned that the one behind this was no other than Hokan Ashir, revived by the power of the Mask of Belial given to him by the Phoenix Bearer during the Battle for Fiara. Ereon followed Hokan, staying on his trail and writing letters to his old friends, the Phoenix Bearer, and Urais, requesting their urgent assistance at the Blackwater Coast. He would continue leaving them notes as he edged nearer to the heart of the enemy, eventually venturing into the Black Jungle on Xu, a place so corrupted by the Renegades that even guardians such as himself held no power there.

This would prove to be a grave mistake, for he would walk right into Hokan's trap. Weakened, Hokan managed to capture Ereon, henceforth using his divine blood to brew potions of life that would revive the once-fallen members of the Circle and place them under Hokan's command. Though he tried reasoning with the mag made, his efforts were futile, and he was left at his mercy, hoping that his friends would be able to overcome the dangers in their path and put an end to Hokan's madness.

These hopes would eventually come to fruition, as the combined forces of the Phoenix Bearer and Shadow Warrior were able to reach Zarach's Bone Temple, freeing Ereon and putting an end to the Circle once and for all.

In the aftermath, in the wake of his selfless sacrifice to save Eo, Ereon was forgiven by the Guardians for his transgressions and allowed to return to their midsts. Needing to hide no longer, he would continue to observe the tasks Aonir had given to him, though he would nonetheless find himself dabbling in mortal affairs.

Shadow Wars

Years after the Circle's defeat, Ereon would silently observe Eo and, at rare times, share small pieces of his knowledge as an entity known as the Librarian. However, he would only do so under the condition that, for each piece of knowledge one desires, he must give a piece of knowledge in return. On one such occasion, he was sought out by a young Shaikan who wished to uncover the way to the Magnet Stones. Such was his amazement when he discovered that this young Shaikan's blood harboured the soul of Janus Malacay, the alchemist he and his brothers once condemned for breaking the rules of Aonir.

Though the alchemist's soul taunted Ereon for the Guardian's failure to properly best Malacay all those centuries prior, he didn't act on it, instead seeming sure that Malacay's sins would eventually catch up to him. Once the Soul Carrier regained consciousness, Ereon gave him the knowledge he sought, absolving him of the need to provide some in return, remarking that the soul the young warrior carries inside him is already a high price to pay.