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Attack of the Cave Orcs

Revision as of 08:21, 29 April 2024 by Wormic (talk | contribs)

Attack of the Cave Orcs is the second Quest of the main campaign of SpellForce: The Order of Dawn.

Cave Orcs have followed to take revenge for their slain comrades. They are attacking the town!

Quest log


Having reached Sartarius, the Phoenix Bearer warned him of the trap Rohen Tahir was walking into. However, their conversation was promptly cut short by a guard of House Wulfgar alarming the city due to an attack of the Cave Orcs who followed the Rune Warrior from the Shadow Pass. With no time to lose, Sartarius gave command of a squad of Order soldiers to the Phoenix Bearer, urging her to repell the attack.

Once the city had been sucessfully defended, she returned to Sartarius, after which they discussed how to proceed on the matter at hand. He told her that Rohen was likely to make a stop in Liannon to visit Darius Servil, so that's where she should head next as well. Before leaving, he gave her a rune of another warrior whom she may summon to her aid, as well as a letter securing her safe passage to Liannon.


Assume command of the knights and follow the soldier

The order has dispatched a group of knights to defend the city. They must be led to the gate.

Quest log

After the cutscene, assume command of the knights of the order and send them straight to the main gate of the city through which you had entered earlier.

Defend the city against the Orcs

The messenger of the order is a traitor! A conspiracy is at work here and Rohen seems to be in grave danger! The traitor must die!

Quest log

The Rune Warrior will likely defeat the traitor on their own with no need for intervention. Should that not be the case, simply attack him once the curse is over.

Search the corpse of the traitor for the casket

The traitor is dead. The casket from the dark mage contains plans for an invasion! It must be brought to the Order to Greyfell!

Quest log

Once you have talked to Randolf, loot the corpse of the traitor to continue.

The battle against the mountain goblins

The valleys of these mountains are infested with golbins. The arrival of the Dark Mage must have put them in an uproar. The power of the runes must be evoked to clear the path to Greyfell.

Quest log

Claim the monument

A rune monument is nearby

Quest log

Go to the nearby rune monument and claim it, allowing you to summon workers and, eventually, an army big enough to attack the goblin camp. Send workers to chop wood, cut stone and mine iron, and construct a camp in the process by building a wood cutter's hut, as well as a mine and quarry.

Set up a camp

Invoke the power of the rune to create an army that can overcome the goblins

Quest log

Once you've collected enough resources, build a small headquarters, as well as a blacksmith and a hunting lodge. Collect resources until you can summon a good mix of recruits and scouts.

Setting up a camp

Destroy the Mountain Goblin's camp

Destroy the Mountain Goblin's camp with your army. After that, the path to Greyfell will be clear

Quest log

Attack the camp of the goblins with your army, preferably sending your units in first as some of the goblins cast spells that can inflict massive damage on you if you enter first. Once all the enemies are dead, destroy their buildings and loot any chests you can find.

Continue to the East

It is not far to Greyfell. The path leaves the mountains to the East.

Quest log

Continue eastward through a small camp of cave orcs before reaching another cutscene.

Protect the villagers from the attacks of the Orcs

Cave orcs are attacking the village! The guards could not stop them and now the village people are unprotected! They need help - quickly!

Quest log

Follow the peasant to the village and command your army to attack the Orcs. Once they have been taken care of, talk to peasant Lemuel and accept your reward.

Continue to follow the path to Greyfell

The city is already in reach. On the hillsides towards the East is Greyfell!

Quest log

Keep walking to the east, but before reaching Greyfell, make a sharp turn left to discover a small band of cave orcs protecting loot. Once they are gone, enter the city.

Search for Sartarius in the House of the Order

Sartarius of the Order of Dawn is one of Rohen's friends. He must hear of the treachery.

Quest log

After entering the city, head slightly to the left, towards the northern part of town, until you meet Sartarius. Upon reaching him, a cutscene will play and this quest will be completed.

Quest Hierearchy

Previous Quest: N/A

Next Quest: Attack of the Cave Orcs